Grant Support
Golden State Pathway Program (GSPP)
K12 Strong Workforce: Round 7 | Round 6 | Round 5 | Round 4
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) Round 10
CTEIG | Round 10
The Round 10 RFA is here!
The window to apply is open and please read the RFA carefully this year as changes have been made.
The RFA has been released, and the window is open until October 11th, 2024, at 5:00 PM PST
All documents are located on the CTEIG webpage:
Additional Resources
If you have any questions, please contact the Career Technical Education Leadership Office at 916-322-5050 or email CTEIncentive@cde.ca.gov.
Need help? Contact ccatelli@scoe.org for customized data support and other assistance.
The Round 10 Preliminary Allocations have been releasesd!
Memo: 2025 CTE Completer Data Reporting Due Feb 28th
The 2025 Career Technical Education (CTE) Completer data reporting period for Academic Year (AY) 2023–24 of the Postsecondary Status File (PSTS) must be submitted and certified to the California Department of Education (CDE) by February 28, 2025.
All LEA’s must submit their CTE Completer Data (AY 2023–24) to the CDE by the February 28, 2025, deadline to be eligible for the 2025–26 CTEIG award.
All local education agencies (LEAs) operating CTE programs are required to annual survey CTE completers exiting 12th grade and submit their postsecondary status data to the CDE, regardless of whether the LEA receives federal or state funding. The Career Technical Education Leadership Office (CTELO) has a dedicated page to CTE data collection (Postsecondary Status Data of CTE Completers - Perkins (CA Dept of Education)), which is updated annually for the collection and reporting of CTE completer data.
K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) | Round 7
The Round 7 RFA is here!
Interested in applying for a Round 7 K12 SWP grant? Now is the time to start!
The RFA has been released, and the window is open in NOVA for creating and submitting proposals. Final applications are due October 11th.
<<< Click Here
<<< Click Here
<<< Click Here
“The ultimate goal of Strong Workforce Program K12 grant funds is to support K–12 local education agencies (LEAs) in creating, improving, and expanding career technical education (CTE) courses, course sequences, programs of study, and pathways that enable students to successfully transition from secondary education to postsecondary education to living-wage employment.”
SCOE’s Grant Writing Workshop Series:
Thursday, September 12th, 2024 | 1:00-5:00 PM
Thursday, September 26th, 2024 | 1:00-5:00 PM
Monday, September 30th, 2024 | 1:00-5:00 PM
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 | 2:30-5:00 PM
What & Where?
Workshop #1: Unpacking the RFA & LMI Data | SCOE (TLC, Eagan 1)
Workshop #2: Developing Problem Statements | SCOE (TLC, Eagan 4)
Workshop #3: Aligning Objectives & Work Plans | SCOE (TLC, Eagan 4)
Workshop #4: Budget Support | SCP Conference Room
Bidder’s Conference Webinar August 28th, 1:30-2:30 PM | Webinar Registration
Workshops for Elevating CTE Grant Proposals | Linked Flyer
WestEd Equity by Design Tuesdays Aug 27-Oct 1 | Register Here
Grant Writing Essentials with Dr. Linda Wells Tuesdays Aug 29-Oct 3 | Website w/ Resources | Register Here
1:1 Grant Writing Support with Dr. Linda Wells Aug 29-Oct 3 | Register Here
Check out the resources in this folder
Need help? Contact ccatelli@scoe.org for customized data support and other assistance.
K12 SWP Round 7 Preliminary Awards
The Bay Area’s allocation for R7 was $29,415,025. We had 53 applications requesting a total of $50,106,103.
K12 SWP R. 7
Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) Grant
The purpose of the Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) is to provide local educational agencies (LEAs) with the resources to promote pathways in high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas, allowing students to advance seamlessly from high school to college and career and provide the workforce needed for economic growth. Some of these high-growth areas include technology, health care, education, and climate-related fields.
CDE GSPP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Document (updated regularly)
Not answered in the FAQs? Add your questions to this document.
^ Click to View Slide Deck
Want Support?
Are you a Sonoma County high school or district Interested in applying for a GSSP grant (planning, implementation, and/or consortium grant)?
Planning & Implementation Grant Information:
Grant Writing Office Hours: Fridays @ 10:00 AM | Zoom LInk
Grant Writing Workshop for all grants (all GSPP grants & CCAP): March 1st, 1:00-3:30 PM | In person @ SCOE
Consortium Grant Information:
GSPP Funding Results
K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) | Round 6
Check out the Round 6 RFA!
The RFA has been released, and the window is closed in NOVA for creating and submitting proposals that develop and implement high-quality, K–14 CTE course sequences, programs, and pathways designed to…
build foundational career path skills and knowledge essential to subsequent success in college and early career exploration.
enable a seamless and successful transition from secondary to postsecondary education within the same or related career paths.
lead to completion of industry-valued certificates, degrees, or transfers to community college or four-year University.
prepare students upon completion of education to enter into employment in occupations for which there is documented demand that pay a livable wage.
identify and close equity gaps by improving access to and completion of high-skill/high-wage CTE opportunities for disproportionately impacted students.
facilitate K–12 student exploration and selection of learning opportunities leading to career paths.
contribute toward meeting the projected need for one million completers of CTE programs aligned with the state’s labor market.
Need help? Check out the resources in this folder or contact ccatelli@scoe.org for customized data support and other assistance.
K12 SWP R. 6
K12 SWP R. 6
Fiscal Reporting:
FROG Report - Fiscal Reporting Overview Google sheet (FROG) includes budget, financial match and expenditure data from NOVA for each institution included in the selected K12 SWP grant.
K12 Reporting Status Spreadsheet - Updated nightly to reflect certified reports submitted in NOVA.
K12 SWP Grant Tracking - Displays budgets and expenditures per partner institution by object code. Similar to the FROG report, it is useful to verify past reported expenditures and potential needs for budget changes.
Programmatic Reporting: K12 SWP CalPass Plus Data Submission Requirement
All K12 Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) must submit their data for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 through the CalPASS system. Timely and accurate uploads of all required records are essential to ensure compliance and data integrity.
If you encounter any difficulties accessing the CalPASS system, please contact calpass@cccco.edu for support.
Please note that while the Chancellor’s Office is transitioning to the new DataVista platform, it is not yet ready to accept K12 data. Therefore, K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) grantees should continue uploading their CALPADS data to CalPASS Plus as usual.
A reminder that all grant recipients, both lead and partnering K12 Local Education Agencies, are required to:
1. Sign an MOU with Cal-PASS Plus to facilitate the sharing of data with the Cal-PASS Plus data system;
2. Maintain a current MOU with Cal-PASS Plus throughout the life of the awarded grant; AND
3. Upload end-of-year data files, as applicable and required by K12 SWP, into the Cal-PASS Plus system annually by November 1. This includes every school year covered within the grant term.
Round 5 & 6 Grantees: Please ensure your MOU is in place and prepare to upload. This includes connecting with the people at your district responsible for data, usually the person who handles the CALPADs uploads will be the one to work on Cal-PASS Plus. If you do not have an MOU, visit https://www.calpassplus.org/Join. If you are unsure if your agency or a partner agency has an MOU, check the Cal-PASS Plus membership list.
Resources to Support Data Upload:
7 minute how-to video describing upload (developed 2021 but still relevant)
K12 SWP Round 6 Awards
K12 SWP R. 6
K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) | Round 5
Check out the Round 5 RFA!
The RFA has been released, and the window is closed in NOVA.
Need help? Check out the resources in this folder or contact ccatelli@scoe.org for customized data support and other assistance.
K12 SWP R. 5
K12 SWP R. 5
FROG Report - Fiscal Reporting Overview Google sheet (FROG) includes budget, financial match and expenditure data from NOVA for each institution included in the selected K12 SWP grant.
K12 Reporting Status Spreadsheet - Updated nightly to reflect certified reports submitted in NOVA.
K12 SWP Grant Tracking - Displays budgets and expenditures per partner institution by object code. Similar to the FROG report, it is useful to verify past reported expenditures and potential needs for budget changes.
Fiscal Reporting:
Programmatic Reporting: K12 SWP CalPass Plus Data Submission Requirement
All K12 Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) must submit their data for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 through the CalPASS system. Timely and accurate uploads of all required records are essential to ensure compliance and data integrity.
If you encounter any difficulties accessing the CalPASS system, please contact calpass@cccco.edu for support.
Please note that while the Chancellor’s Office is transitioning to the new DataVista platform, it is not yet ready to accept K12 data. Therefore, K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) grantees should continue uploading their CALPADS data to CalPASS Plus as usual.
A reminder that all grant recipients, both lead and partnering K12 Local Education Agencies, are required to:
1. Sign an MOU with Cal-PASS Plus to facilitate the sharing of data with the Cal-PASS Plus data system;
2. Maintain a current MOU with Cal-PASS Plus throughout the life of the awarded grant; AND
3. Upload end-of-year data files, as applicable and required by K12 SWP, into the Cal-PASS Plus system annually by November 1. This includes every school year covered within the grant term.
Round 5 & 6 Grantees: Please ensure your MOU is in place and prepare to upload. This includes connecting with the people at your district responsible for data, usually the person who handles the CALPADs uploads will be the one to work on Cal-PASS Plus. If you do not have an MOU, visit https://www.calpassplus.org/Join. If you are unsure if your agency or a partner agency has an MOU, check the Cal-PASS Plus membership list.
Resources to Support Data Upload:
7 minute how-to video describing upload (developed 2021 but still relevant)
K12 SWP Round 5 Awards
K12 SWP R. 5
K12 SWP Round 4 Final Reporting Due 9/30/24
Are you NOT likely to spend all your K12SWP grant funds?
Here is a link to a simple form where you can indicate how much you think you might be willing to redistribute or how much additional funds you might be able to spend within the performance period.
his form is strictly for preliminary information gathering purposes. Completing this form is not a commitment to release funds or accept additional funds.
Email k12contacts@baccc.net if you have any questions or need any additional assistance.
FROG Report - Fiscal Reporting Overview Google sheet (FROG) includes budget, financial match and expenditure data from NOVA for each institution included in the selected K12 SWP grant.
K12 Reporting Status Spreadsheet - Updated nightly to reflect certified reports submitted in NOVA.
K12 SWP Grant Tracking - Displays budgets and expenditures per partner institution by object code. Similar to the FROG report, it is useful to verify past reported expenditures and potential needs for budget changes.
Click HERE for a complete listing of new Cal-PASS Plus and fiscal reporting deadlines.
K12 SWP R. 4
K12 Strong Workforce Program (SWP) | Round 4
CTEIG 2023-2024 Grant Cycle
The window to apply opened on Monday, August 7, 2023 and closes on Friday, September 29 at 5:00 pm; this includes the Program Grant Management System, which houses the CTEIG Application.
To access the CTEIG 2023–24 Round 9 RFA and attachments I, II, III please visit Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) - Career Technical Education (CA Dept of Education).
The link below will take you to the recorded presentation on how to complete the CTEIG 2023–24 application and attachments.
Please email questions to cteincentive@cde.ca.gov or your CTEIG Regional Consultant
If you did not receive this email directly from CDE and would like to join the CTEIG Mailing List, you can subscribe to the CTEIG listserv by sending a "blank" message to join-cteincentive@mlist.cde.ca.gov
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG)
How to apply for a California Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG)
This webinar presented by the CDE explains the step by step process, including common mistakes LEAs make in their applications.
This slide show accompanied the presentation and provides another way of viewing the steps in the application process.
CTEIG Reporting Help
The CTEIG Expenditure Report Webinar Slide Show may help answer questions. Additionally, here is a blank template of an expenditure report. for your use. The report signature page must also be submitted.
Our Sonoma County CTEIG Regional Consultant is Tara Neilson:
Phone: 916-445-5568
Fax: 916-323-2597