Work Ready Certificate
Bringing the PoG to Life
A Picture of Readiness
“By articulating the hopes that the community has for its young people and assessing the skills that our students will need to succeed in this rapidly changing world, the Portrait of a Graduate allows us to frame a new vision for what being prepared to tackle life after high school looks like for all Sonoma County kids.”
This community-curated list of traits, skills, and mindsets offers a vision for what a genuinely college-and-career-ready high school graduate looks like. As such, the portrait can serve as foundational structure for guiding all sorts of critical work at our schools, from curriculum planning to pathway development to structuring systems that impact the educational experience for our students. Contact our team for more information about the Sonoma County Portrait of a Graduate and how you might incorporate it into your work.
The Work Ready Certificate can be earned by any high school student. This certificate does not replace a high school diploma or GED, but rather demonstrates to potential employers that a student has shown an additional level of proficiency in the Sonoma County Portrait of a Graduate Outcomes and is prepared to tackle life after high school.
Publicly endorse the Work Ready Certificate
Add your name/company to our list of industry partners who endorse the Work Ready Certificate. Your name and logo will appear on our website and other communications about the Work Ready Certificate.
Provide support and feedback
Engage with students in the classroom or virtually during the year as they work on completing their portfolio.
Review and score student portfolios
Using our scoring guide, provide students with feedback on their finished portfolio.
Participate in student interviews
Be a part of a panel for the work ready interview which occurs after students successfully complete their portfolio.
Embed Work Based Learning into your curriculum
Add even more relevance to your curriculum and help students prepare for life after high school by incorporating Work Based Learning into your classroom as an instructional strategy.
Provide opportunities for practice
Shift your lens - shape assignments so that they provide students with an opportunity to practice the PoG skills in a more meaningful way as well as create quality artifacts to be used in their portfolio.
Provide feedback to students
Structure opportunities for feedback as students complete their portfolio and prepare for their interview.
Receive 1:1 support
The SCOE College and Career team will provide support to educators as they incorporate the Work Ready Certificate and Work Based Learning into any content area.
Visit our website
Take a look at all items on the WRC website. View the student guide and resources including rubrics for the portfolio and interview to better understand the Work Ready Certificate.
Identify a potential mentor
Identify an adult who could serve as a mentor to keep you on track and provide feedback on your portfolio items.
Begin to gather artifacts
Through the lens of work based learning, identify experiences that you have or will have in the future and how they connect to the Sonoma County Portrait of a Graduate.
Seek Feedback
As you begin to build your portfolio, seek feedback from peers, teachers and industry partners.
2024-2025 School Year Submission Date: May 1, 2025
To provide enough time for evaluation and scheduling of the Work Ready Interview, students must submit their finished portfolio by May 1, 2025 to be considered for the Work Ready Certificate during the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact Lauren Liotta | Project Coordinator at SCOE (lliotta@scoe.org) with questions. Once your portfolio is evaluated, you will be contacted to schedule an interview.
Still have questions?
Please feel free to email Lauren Liotta - Project Coordinator | Work Based Learning, at lliotta@scoe.org.
The Work Ready Certificate is endorsed by a growing number of local partners
Bringing the Portrait of a Graduate to Life
SCOE Work Ready Certificate
The Work Ready Certificate is earned by students who have demonstrated “readiness” in each of the PoG outcomes. Throughout high school, students participate in both classroom activities and work-based learning experiences, creating artifacts that showcase their proficiency in each Portrait Outcome. A portfolio is prepared to showcase these artifacts along with accompanying commentary explaining how each piece aligns with the Portrait Outcomes. A resume, cover letter and two letters of recommendation are also required in the portfolio. Students then participate in a work ready interview. Students who successfully complete the portfolio and work ready interview will earn the SCOE Work Ready Certificate.